
Employers are often confused towards seeking for the right set of the candidates to meet their client requirements and serve with the potential candidates to maintain long term relations with their client. Selecting and screening profiles for the international students in the USA can be a quiet challenging as most of the candidates are fresher.

To find genuine profile of the OPT candidates and screen the profiles to identify the best suitable candidate as per the clients requirement needs to avail a very long period which is expensive as well as time consuming. United OPT offers with the largest and the best OPT profiles which helps you to meet your clients requirements in a limited time span. We have various strategies and customized service to improvise your sourcing and screening process for a successful placement.

5 Tips to get the right set of OPT candidates:

These are some of the great tips to get the right set of the OPT candidates as per our research and experience in the staffing and recruitment industries.

1. Identify your clients’ requirements:

Serving the valuable clients is the ultimate aim for an employer. Therefore, the most basic step should always understand with the client requirements carefully.

To understand their requirements employers should always consider finding an ideal profile as the top most priority of the process.

Avoiding of understanding the required area to work creates confusion towards the process right from the initial steps of the process which might result into submitting a wrong candidate to the client.

Therefore, it is very important to be clear with the process to serve with the right set of candidates.

The process of identify the OPT candidates requirement helps to decide the field to target and meet the requirements for the same.

The procedure might look simple or less important but if avoided creates a huge problem in the further procedure.

2. Select the right group of candidates:

Candidates from various industries enter in the US job market every year. The challenging part is towards identifying with the right group or filed of the candidates as per the requirement of the clients. The procedure of indentifying the client requirements makes the path of selecting the right group of candidates easy to identify. This helps to reduce the extra work and time towards this process.

The most basic step is to categorize the candidate group in terms of their visa status, major, educational background, potential skills, experience as well as location of the client and availability of time. This process eases to understand with the group of candidates to target for the client submission.

3. Reach them by taking expertise help:

The procedure of reaching the right set of candidates should be always done by an expertise recruiter to select the best OPT candidates as per the requirement. The profile screening process before selecting the candidate for the required position demand a skilful and professional recruiter who already posses an extensive experience of recruiting and screening the candidates profile.

Benefits of taking an expertise help for screening the candidate’s profile:
  • This procedure if done with a careful manner removes the chance of submitting a wrong profile which can result into a huge loss for the candidates as well as the client.
  • Procedure of screening the candidates if handled by a right expertise helps to differentiate between the profiles which are supposed to submit to the clients within the specified time bound.
  • Another important reason is that candidates feel there profile more secure to submit it to the client as it is handled and managed by an expert individual of recruitment industry.
  • The expertise ensures the comfort ability of the candidates under various factors of the job role before finalizing any profile which eliminates the risk for any inconvenience from the candidate in the future.
  • The task assigned to an expertise recruiter is always completed within the specified time span from the client’s side.
4. Serve the client’s need:

A right set of screened candidates can be obtained with the help of an expertise recruiter. After obtaining the screened profiles of the candidates understand their requirements and connect with the clients or hiring employers matching as well as serving their specific requirements. The ultimate aim of the candidate as well as of yours is to get a right placement within a limited time bound serving the needs. In order to fulfil this mutual ambition try to understand the concerned client needs properly before proceeding with any position.

Chasing the right companies for the candidate’s placement is a challenging and a complex procedure. Therefore, to ease the process or save the time try to understand the needs of the candidate properly. This will gradually help to meet their specific needs.

5. Build Strong Connections!

It becomes the foremost essential thing to build rapport with the candidates working towards the client submissions or requirement. The connections between you and the candidate will always be fruitful as it will help to bring hold towards the process. Before starting with a project or process it becomes very important to connect with the candidate to serve the clients.

Join the largest and the best OPT Employer Resume database:

United OPT offers the largest and verified OPT Resume database of the candidates who are actively and exclusively looking for employment in the USA. We aim to serve our clients of strong profiles out of resume database as per their requirement.

Our database has a wide range of candidates from various educational background and visa status. We target to help with the candidates as per the specific requirements of our clients. We have customized services into various plans to serve the employers requirement. Our expertise recruiters screen the candidates profile before submitting it to you which makes the process easy for you to initiate the process of serving the clients. Recruiter understands your requirement carefully before submission of the profiles to help you with the right set of candidates.

How United OPT helps?

  • With the help of our massive resume database we provide the employer requirements by serving with the right set of candidates of OPT/CPT profiles as per their need.
  • The screened profiles are verified and evaluated before completing with the process of submitting it.
  • The data are submitted to you in accordance as per your requirement after filtering the profiles.
  • We also offer a strong resume data base which very simple to access.
  • For urgent client requirements we also provide Job postings on our website for finding the best suitable profiles within a limited time span.
  • We have an expertise team of dedicated recruiters who can help you for finding candidates on bench as per the needs.
  • For fulfilling special client order or requirement hire a recruiter and get orders fulfilled within a limited time span.
  • Employer Account with United OPT helps you for completing special resume requirement as per your orders.


  • 1. Register:
  • Register by signing up with the employer account with United OPT. Get yourself registered with the largest OPT resume database to find candidates as per your client needs. Click here to register!

  • 2. Select the program as per your need:
  • We understand your requirements and the needs of the clients. Therefore, we have customized the services into various plans. Select a plan as per your need to initiate with the process. Click here to request for the available plans.

  • 3. Start with a free Trial:
  • Not so sure about an employer plan? Start your free trial with a plan as per your need today! We offer a complete alternative under a free trial of employer account with United OPT which can be helpful to ensure about the process.

  • 4. Dedicated Recruiter:
  • Hire a dedicated recruiter by registering with the Employer Account with United OPT. Our dedicated recruiter will be helping you towards fulfilling the client orders as per the requirements in a limited time.

Conclusion :

The process for sourcing and finding the right set of candidates is a challenging but we are highly dedicated to help the employers as per their needs. Employer Account is designed to serve the clients requirement within a very limited time and in accordance of the comfort ability of the employers and the candidates.

After serving to more than 50k recruiters across the United States we stand as the best and the strongest OPT resume database dedicated towards making the recruitment process easy.