After a lot of process and effort when you get an interview that might be wonderful news, but along with this news, one more challenge comes across your path of cracking down the interview. To crack down an interview might sound challenging but perfect perpetration before the interview can lead to wonders.

This blog will help you out with the facts about the required preparation, information and tips before the interview. Check it out!

Pre-preparation for an interview:

Preparation before any important task is necessary to succeed in the task. An interview is also one of the most important tasks in one’s career. Therefore, pre-preparation before the interview the first basic step towards achieving success in cracking down it.

Following listed points will help you out in your preparation for the interview:

Research a little bit about the company’s background, word of mouth and history before the interview. Consider this pre-research as a very important step towards preparation for the interview because the chances for you to get selected will be very less if you aren’t aware of the company’s information.

Identify and understand with the job title consider the roles and responsibilities as well as the required number of experience to perform the role.

Go through your basics once, brush up with the information concerning your profile regarding your educational background, skills, projects, rewards, and experience. It doesn’t matter whether you are a fresher or an experienced professional you need to be aware of your profile details.

Prepare according to the interview rounds if mentioned in the job posting.

Practice the basic FAQ’s asked in every interview like ‘Tell me something about you?’, ‘Where do you see yourself in five years?’ etc.

Pre-prepare with explaining your resume, the interviewer may ask you to explain regarding your profile.

Know more about how to prepare the resume.

Helpful tips to crack an Interview

The foremost tip for any interview is to be punctual in accordance to the time scheduled for an interview. As phrased by Thomas Chandler Haliburton “Punctuality is the soul of business”.

Make sure that you don’t fail to be on time.

Live the conversation, good communication is always helpful to leave a positive impression on a person. Be attentive and listen to every question carefully and answer matching the pace of the conversation.

Speak calmly and clearly, answer the questions patiently and don’t be in a rush while answering. Good communication is the key to win any situation, therefore maintain good communication.

Concentrate on maintaining your body language. Your appearance, attitude, gestures, and body language tells a lot about you; therefore make sure that you work upon it.

While being interviewed maintain eye contact with the interviewer. To avoid eye contact with the interviewer represents a lack of confidence or as an insult.

Stick to professional communication while on the interview, even if the interviewer is friendly just answer the questions politely and maintain professionalism.

Once you enter the scheduled venue maintain a formal communication right from the beginning. Be humble and formal not only with the interviewer but with everyone in the organization.

Answer the questions which you know and admit that you don’t know the answer under situation where you aren’t aware of the answer. Don’t waste time thinking, guessing or giving false answers.

Don’t stick to pre-rehearsed answers; customize your answer as per situation and demand. You should not answer in the same rehearsed content for every company you apply.

Represent information related to your work strength. While explaining your projects and work experience you have an opportunity to mention with your strength as well.

Be clear regarding your ultimate goal or objective. While answering any question you shouldn’t look lame, your answers should represent your ambitions.

After every interview, you will get a chance to ask questions to the interviewer, at that moment you aren’t supposed to ask stupid questions and ask only relevant questions. Avoid asking personal questions.

Even if you feel that the interview is not going well or you made a mistake in the meanwhile don’t get disappointed. Just answer the questions confidently and try to maintain good communication.

Once the interview is done thank the interviewer for giving their time and show gratitude.

General mistakes to avoid while an interview

We have listed out the most common mistakes made by the candidates during an interview.

Skipping preparation before the interview like a little research about the company.

Not be aware of the information about the job description.

Carrying unprofessional look, like we have heard science childhood ‘the first impression is the last impression’.

Not maintaining punctuality towards time.

Checking your mobile phone is often one of the common mistakes.

Asking for irrelevant or informal questions.

Badmouthing about the past employers is a major mistake which you need to avoid.

Never initiate the salary rates discussion first. Although the rate discussion is one of the important factors, candidates should avoid initiating first about it.

Avoid lying about skills, experience or profile.

Avoid being harsh in the conversation.

Avoid concerning about benefits which you would be receiving due to the position instead think of the company’s benefits due to your work.

General questions asked during every interview

These are some of the most common questions asked in an interview:

1. Brief me something about yourself?

Under this you can brief out regarding your interest and experience which is not about your profession, it could be something about your passion, hobbies and favorite sport. Make sure what you do not end up answering too personal or less personal information under his question.

2. Why do you want this position?

You get an opportunity under this question to represent your pre-research about the company, besides, also mention your skills and desire to work matching the roles and responsibilities of the job position.

3. Why did you leave your previous job?

Don’t try to create any anonymous story answering this question. Simply answer about the fact reason for leaving the previous organization and make sure while answering you don’t bad-mouth concerning the previous organization.

4. Brief out regarding your strengths?

This is one of the frequent questions which would surely be asked during an interview. While answering this consider mentioning with your strength qualifying the requirement of the job position.

5. Brief out regarding your weakness?

Answering this you may add up some of the work experience from your past projects representing your positive aspects and skills. Mention with your weakness turning into your strength.

6. Why should we hire you?

This question tests whether you are a perfect fit for the job. Answer it confidently representing your skills and abilities proving you probably the right match to the position.

7. What are your salary expectations?

Although it sounds simple, you need to answer this carefully. You can reply by mentioning the current industrial rates in the market.

8. Where do you see yourself in the career from now after five years?

The intention behind this question is quite clear that they want to make sure whether you are planning to stay in that organization for the long term. You need to answer it by representing your willingness to work in a reputed organization like their at a better position with more authority and responsibility.

9. How do you handle stress?

Under this don’t answer admitting that you never felt stress, instead, you can answer that you try to keep your work organized and proper. And under any stressful condition, you figure out with the problem first and then try to give it a perfect solution ensuring that it wouldn’t get repeated in the future.

10. Do you have any questions for me?

This question is sure to be asked at the end of every interview. While asking questions to the interviewer try to ask questions related to the work responsibilities or company’s work environment. Make sure you don’t end up asking personal questions.


Interviews might be challenging but a little preparation and self-confidence will surely workout. Considering the following steps will be helpful to crack down your interview. For expert help to ensure your success contact United OPT. And for more questions on it click here.