Getting a desired job in the USA for an International student is a challenging process.

After getting a job another important process that you need to go through is of Employment Background check by the following Employer. The motive for this article is to aware of OPT students, CPT Students about the process of employment verification. Under the process of Employment verification process a person's details related to past and current Jobs. Past Employers are contacted in order to conduct with employment Verification. The employment verification process is a compulsion in some of the cases. In current scenario employment verification is being done via an online employment verification system provider which provides with checking of past work background of the employees.


An Employment Verification procedure under which a candidate is being verified via a hiring company or person in terms of past criminal history, education, work experience, and other necessary verification.

The Procedure for Employment Background check varies from different locations, educational fields, and individuals.

Normally, an employment background check is being conducted while hiring any candidate for a job. But can also occur whenever the employer feels the need.

There are various misunderstandings between the candidates and hiring employees in terms of the process of background check. We came across a detailed study and have brought for you a step by step article which will surely help you out.

The motive of the employment background check is to develop trust towards the candidate and to get a clear view regarding his/her information. In order to develop a long term and healthy work relation the process of employment verification plays a very important role.

Necessary requirements to build a Professional Resume.

Yes! Following points prove the importance of employment background check
To verify Resume reliability:

Candidates applying for a job may lie in the resume in terms of technical skills, educational background, and professional experience in order to get hired. Manipulating with such information in their resume leads to selection of a wrong candidate.

To avoid such a fakes Employment background check becomes a necessity.

Verify criminal background

The verification process conducted in order to check with the Criminal background history of a candidate is not done in intention to discriminate against the candidates who are having any criminal background in the past. The only reason behind checking with a past criminal record is to verify whether the past background would not create any problem in the future.

To maintain a peaceful environment:

There is a chance if dangerous applicants like serial sex offenders and violent criminals may become a threat to the existing employees of the company. Verification becomes one of the most important aspects when it comes to establishing a peaceful environment. Because, if any incident occurs in an organization the hiring employer is responsible for such an incident.

In order to keep a drug free organization:

Verifying an employee whether he or she is drug-free cannot be ascertained by seeing them. Therefore, medical tests become a necessity in terms of verification to create a drug-free environment in an organization.


The background check process conducted in the United States is a part of the hiring process in an organization. The process of background checks prevents any harmful act against law and creates a healthy and safe environment. Hence, in order to select an appropriate candidate following the pattern of background should be followed:

Identity Verification:

Identity verification provides you with the information related to the identity of the candidate to whom you wanted to hire. By the process of identity verification, a person can ascertain basic Information. Mostly, Identity verification involves of collecting with documentations like:

  • Social Security Number of a candidate.
  • Documents based on SSN number.
  • Information related to driving vehicle.
  • Passport copy documents.

Criminal Verification History:

Criminal verification of history helps to get information related to the Past criminal history of a Candidate. Criminal Verification provides information in terms of location and proceedings. In following terms Criminal verification is being conducted:

  • Identity Verification
  • Federal Criminal Records.
  • Regional criminal record research.
  • Information related to driving vehicle.
  • Other

Other Background Verification:

Some of the Employers conduct following Verification:

  • Background check of Credit Reports
  • Background check of County Civil
  • Verification of Federal civil
  • Medical test for verification of Alcohol and drug-free


There are various types of procedure which are to be conducted while on the process of the employment background check

Employment Background Check is one of the most important processes in order to hire a suitable candidate.

Under this process, candidates have misconceptions and insecurity in providing documentation and other verification tests while going through a Background check.

United OPT helps you while on your job search, background check and even after placement with job support and security.

Therefore, secure your career and future today with United OPT to get your preferred Job.