
Initiating the process of job search for a fresher is a really important part of one’s career. Following the correct steps and right method in the job search can result in wonders for an individual’s career.

An incorrect process for job search might reduce the opportunity of getting responses in an individual’s career as well as a candidate can end up landing a low profile job or job after being unemployed for a very long time period. No one wants to end up with this kind of situation. In order to guide international students in the USA towards the right process of job search, United OPT has listed with the probable steps.

So, check it out!

#6 Top tips to avoid mistakes in the job search for international students in the USA

The right method starts with the right research. Therefore, we have come across the research to result in the initial steps for the job search of international students in the USA.We have listed with the six pro-tips to avoid mistakes in the job search of international students in the USA:

1. Be clear in vision

The beginning of your job search starts as per your major and the educational background which you want to focus on. Once you have selected the best available area where you wanted to focus, you need to be focused on the job search process in that particular area. Therefore, the very first step in the journey of your job search should be clear and precise with the field area of your major.

One of the biggest mistakes made by an international student in their job search is not being clear of which specific job area they need to apply. As a result, they end up applying in multiple Job areas. This creates confusion in identifying your ambition in your career. Therefore, be very specific towards choosing the right job area of your field right from the time of your college.

The student should be having the right pre-research about the selected path in their specific career. They should not avoid identifying for the right path in their career.

2. Do not rely only on resume

A resume is the most basic need to initiate with the Job search. A Resume is a very important tool to represent a person’s profile, interest, work experience, and personality. Therefore, its preparation is given importance as well as sufficient time to make it in a professional manner which represents the candidate’s profile. International students in the USA are much concerned about the concern to choose the right resume to start with the job search process.

Being a fresher, job seeker's main concern is always to choose the right resume which represents their educational field of interest. A great resume can create wonders for your career, but simply believing these myth candidates commit one of the silliest mistakes by not focusing on self-preparation and clearance of their interest in major. A resume is a helpful tool for representing one’s profile but simply relying on the resume is not a good choice. A preparation towards your performance and work needs to be focused to grab the employer’s attention to witness them the dedication and hard work made.

One of the ideal ways to express yourselves and grab the employer’s attention is as follow:
  • Videos representing about you
  • Online Portfolio
  • Professional reference
  • Blogs
  • Projects Sample (Samples of your fieldwork)

The preparation of the mentioned points can always be a great step for your career. A resume is never only preparation for one’s job. Therefore, great representation requires your confidence and dedication.

Looking to create an Professional Resume chat with us now or click here !

3. Built strong connections

For international students in the USA, it is challenging to build connections. Professional social networking platforms are one of the prominent options to build your connection in any corner of the world. Over millions of expertise has already established their networks in their field.

LinkedIn is a great platform to represent a profile of millions of professionals in their field of expertise. A professional network such as LinkedIn offers to represent the skills of a fresher and gain the attention of various professionals of respective fields.

Top Six benefits build your connections on Social media:
  • Connect directly to hiring managers
  • Represent your expertise and work
  • Research about companies and employers
  • Apply for jobs
  • Witness your field talent via a social platform
  • Chance to grow your brand

social platforms if represented in the right manner can result in a great boon. United OPT has a dedicated team that helps you to create opportunities across the US. Get expert help today!

4. Focus only towards your major

International students in the US have a limited time-bound to find with a job in their major. Therefore, international students mostly focus on all the job titles and job areas of their field. Following such a method of applying for jobs can be less time consuming and opens various opportunities in a limited time. But such a method of a job application is not a good path to result in a successful career.

For a long journey of a successful career, candidates should be more focused only on their job area of expertise or interest in which they wanted to grow their careers. Therefore, it is very important to identify the job area of interest. Once, a vision is made for a job area dedication should be purely towards the career.

A focused individual might take a long time to find their right job but surely have a great career in the upcoming time. Focus on a major result in a long term and a successful career for an individual. Focusing on only a specific job area also helps to reduce with an unnecessary burden and helps to concentrate only on your preference.

Looking for OPT Jobs in USA? or join our International Community Group on FB.

5. Complete the process in the right manner

Initiating with the job search in the right manner is very important for an international student in the USA to get their desired job in their particular major as per their particular major. United OPT has planned for the right steps to initiate the job search for a fresher individual to avoid the mistakes and obstacles in their career. We initiate your job search process by designing with a proper resume and by targeting the employers in your major and preferred job area.

International students face a major loophole in their career because of being unaware of the right steps to undertake and they end up losing their focus from the main goal of their career by moving towards the career options. United OPT removes the loopholes by helping with a dedicated recruiter who helps in finding the right job in accordance to your major and preference.

#Top 10 Questions which asked by International students:

The following are the frequently asked questions by the international students in the USA during their job search:

1. Are international students allowed to work in the USA?

Students are eligible to work under the F1 and M1 visa on-campus while on some specific training program and off-campus except the time span of their first academic year.

2. Can international students in the USA earn?

Absolutely international students can earn on entry-level positions, as per the eligible field of their major and in respect to the hours allowed to work.

3. For how many hours can an international student work in the USA?

Students under the F1 visa are eligible to work 2 hour per week on-campus during their classes are running and 40 hours per week when the classes are not.

4. What if I worked more than 20 hours per week?

If it happens then your DSO might get notified by the payroll department and as a result you might lose your F1 visa status.

5. Can international students in the USA work after their graduation?

OPT (Optional Practical Training) Visa allows the international students to work in the USA and acquire experience in their specific field.

6. Can I work while attaining my school as well?

Under the CPT programme students are offered the work in the evening or on weekends. So, that the student could easily work while their school is running.

7. Am I supposed to take permission to join off-campus work from the immigration services?

International students under their CPT programme are supposed to take permission before starting the work with their University under F1 visa. A candidate is allowed to start work in the USA after receiving with the authorized sign in relation to the “curriculum” from their university. They are also required to collect U.S Social Security card before initiating work legally in the USA.

8. What if I failed to find employment in the USA?

Due to the limited number of entry level position in the USA you might end up having no employment in specific field and preference. To get place sooner one should focus towards developing their skills and experience in their specific major.

9. Am I supposed to pay the taxes?

The liable amount of tax on the candidate is deducted by their concerned employer in some percentage from their pay. To know more click here!

10. What is the right time to start working after arrival of CPT employment?

After 10 days of the CPT arrival you can apply for the Social Security Number. The moment once the card arrives you can begin work with the concerned authority of your University.

Conclusion :

The process to initiate the job search for international students requires a lot of courage and hard work towards its success. Initiating the process in the right manner could only be helpful to land a job in a specific major. United OPT offers a complete job search program for the international students in the US to drove towards the right steps to find with the best matching job in their major.