which career is in demand in 2019-2020 ?

Whenever the word “career” is heard, the very first thought runs through the brain is a passion, interest and then job market. Passion and strong determination can easily beet materialistic goals and needs. So, don’t make your career decision after payrolls and luxuries, try to keep your Interest before money and then Victory is all yours with the combo pack of happiness and satisfaction.

Here is a list of all trending and demanding job in this high- tech era of 2019-2020. Hope you will find something relevant to your ambition. So, let’s get started with computer science.


Computer Science is all about computers, software, and its design, developments, application, system efficiency and etc. Computer science includes many sub-branches, and below is a list of Computer science major :

Software Developer

JOB description :

Software Developers are behind the technologies which became our lifeline, they had almost taken equal place as one of our basic needs as food, water, and air. They are the builders of those apps which starts our morning as an alarm, those apps which helps to get to new places as maps, those apps which makes our mobiles the headquarter of banks, those apps which sometimes help in finding mates, and the list is endless as you know.

KEY skills :

The programming language ASP.net, JavaScript, Java, C#, Python and etc. To become a success full Software Developer aspirant had to master these skills.

EDUCATIONAL requirement :

Bachelor’s degree in Software Developer including Computer science and Computer programming.

Web Developer

JOB description :

Web Developers are the makers of Websites through which you see the content what the owner wants you to see. Those educational, commercial, Government-oriented and many others which you often know. All those content, images, pop-up messages, Application or other forms are Organized by the Web Developer as per their clients wish. Their work didn’t end here, they even have to protect this creativity and update it time to time and make changes as per their client.

KEY skills :

HTML5, PHP, CSS, JavaScript, ASP.net, Angular.js and etc. There are few others which can be helpful but these are the basic ones.

EDUCATIONAL requirement :

Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree in Web development and not necessary to include Computer science.

Computer Programmer

JOB description :

As per its name only suggests that it belongs to programming. Computer Programmer built, design, make corrections, removes errors and do testing of codes. Computer programmer helps software designer and software developers to convert their works into functionable codes with respect to the requirements of clients. Their main job is to work with codes and make their work error free and filtering all unnecessary objects from the codes. This is a kind of remote job which allows you to work from home or anywhere else.

KEY skills :

Linux, Java, Php, C++, ASP.net, JavaScript, C#, SQL, Html and etc. The programmer’s skills are nearly infinite as their clients always demand of something brand new and innovative and all thanks to those programming languages who takes birth anytime and the programmers are supposed to master them ASAP.

EDUCATIONAL requirement :

Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree in Computer science or equivalent. To gain success aspirants are required to pursue lots of experience and its advisable to start an internship as early as possible.

Information Security Analyst

JOB description :

Information Security Analyst are the guards of networks and websites. Their main purpose is to protect it from all cyber-attacks and viruses which are harmful to their sites and protect their data from hackers through their coding skills and knowledge. Their part is not limited to protection only it also includes updating their systems and making all required and essential changes in the codes to protect it from future coming cyber-threats.

KEY skills :

Linux, Java, Php, C++, ASP.net, JavaScript, C#, SQL, Html and etc. As its mentioned above you have to be up to date with your knowledge to protect upcoming cyber-attacks.

EDUCATIONAL requirement :

Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree in Computer science, information science, computer science, or computer systems analysis. And your learning will continue until you are working as an Information Security Analyst.

Data Analyst

JOB description :

And here comes a known career option Data Analyst. The sole purpose of the Data Analyst is to analyze the data to improve business relations. They use various analyzing applications and software to simplify or to organize the data into categories. Whenever you visit any online shopping site there will be a recommendation option available which is based on your previous purchases or search history. This not limited to online shopping sites only you can find this everywhere whether it's on YouTube, Google, maps, music apps and so many.

KEY skills :

Analytical skills, strong maths, Critical thinking, JavaScript and etc.

EDUCATIONAL requirement :

Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree in math, statistics, computer science or relevant to computers and analysis.